Muse of the Month: Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge
Sara Evans Sara Evans

Muse of the Month: Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge

Saraswati is represented in Hindu mythology as the divine consort of Lord Brahma: the Creator of the Universe.  Since knowledge is necessary for creation and growth, Saraswati symbolizes the creative power of Brahma.

She is The Flowing One ~ Saraswati means “the one who gives the essence (Sara) of our own Self (Swa).” 

Through this Goddess we reflect upon the essence of self, the part of us that can only be that and nothing else. 

Connecting with our inner selves requires discipline, perseverance and creative energy; these are the qualities that Saraswati helps us bring forth.

As we move into the craziness of Christmas, I believe we all need a bit of Saraswati magic! Class numbers inevitably dwindle as we find excuses to forgo that which keeps us sane! She is the perfect muse to keep us honest; whether you yoga or whatever other personal sadhana/disciplines and practices you might have up until November, when they fall by the wayside in favour of…consumerism?! Whether you consume of media, food or material goods, we usually forgo our inner peace Christmas.

It’s so easy to let ourselves fall prey to the pull of external pressure and pursuits, so we can call on Saraswati’s qualities to remain discipline, steadfast and do our best to keep the peace when we’re in the company of friends and family that we find challenging.

Saraswati will also be the focus of my vinyasa flow classes over the next few weeks, helping me (and hopefully you too) to maintain my sadhana; connecting and committing to being our best selves no matter what this crazy time of year throws at us!

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Sara Evans Sara Evans


{Beginners Mind}

We all have behaviours and habits grounded in assumptions and past experiences. We label things as bad, good, easy or challenging.

Life as we know it is in a constant state of change, so how would things be different if you chose to experience each situation as though it were happening for the first time?

In the mind of a beginner, experiences are brand new, not yet formed and this can help us to be present with what is happening NOW in the present moment.

Whether or not you are a beginner is irrelevant, we can choose to see things as they are and leave space for inquiry, NEW experiences, and for growth. 💫

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5 Yoga Poses to Ease Back Pain during Pregnancy

5 Yoga Poses to Ease Back Pain during Pregnancy

Here are 5 yoga poses to help you stretch to alleviate piriformis / sciatic pain during pregnancy - please note that some of these yoga postures will need to be modified or are not suitable if you have pelvic girdle pain, low lying placenta or a breech baby - if you're unsure please seek the advice of a specially trained Prenatal Yoga Teacher who can provide safe alternatives using props in a Pregnancy specific yoga class.

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Embrace the Chaos
Motherhood Sara Evans Motherhood Sara Evans

Embrace the Chaos

Here's the truth...and the WHOLE truth! My life is constantly in chaos. It's one big juggling act - holding many balls all at once and trying to catch each and every one of them before they fall to the ground. I know I'm not alone in this scenario - I think many of us experience it as anxiety and stress because let's face it...adulting and LIFE admin are nearly impossible to escape from. There are so many demands placed on us as women and as mothers, that we are constantly being pulled in so many different directions.

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