Pregnant in Perth?  Here’s why you need a Pregnancy Yoga Class!

Pregnant in Perth? Here’s why you need a Pregnancy Yoga Class!

Attending specially designed prenatal yoga classes is not just about accommodating your growing belly, it’s also about expanding your mind, exploring your options for birth and joining together as a collective community as you begin your journey into motherhood. Pregnancy yoga offers a depth and a warmth beyond the yoga postures themselves, and like everything in life, some teachers will resonate more than others, so seek out a class (and a suitably trained teacher) that suits – you’ll know your community when you find it!

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How Prenatal Yoga can help your birth

How Prenatal Yoga can help your birth

When it comes to labouriNG and giving birth (ANY birth), the mind-body connection is PARAMOUNT! A prenatal yoga class can help women to access deep reserves of emotional strength and resilience that can be put to good use not just during contractions but for being present and anchored in some of the challenges that are likely to come up throughout your labour and giving birth to a baby.

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Mental Health Matters
Mental Health, Pregnancy, Motherhood Sara Evans Mental Health, Pregnancy, Motherhood Sara Evans

Mental Health Matters

There’s a common misconception that yoga teachers have it all together! Let me tell you that this could not be further from the truth! Although I have had a dedicated yoga practice for more than a decade now, let me be the first to tell you that yoga is not a magic pill to avoiding matters of the mind. While it can certainly provide the tools to assist with some of the overwhelm and anxiety associated with depression, it’s by no means a cure. I wanted to share my personal struggles with the intention of opening up a conversation, a dialogue about the importance of not just looking after our body, but our mind too.

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Embrace the Chaos
Motherhood Sara Evans Motherhood Sara Evans

Embrace the Chaos

Here's the truth...and the WHOLE truth! My life is constantly in chaos. It's one big juggling act - holding many balls all at once and trying to catch each and every one of them before they fall to the ground. I know I'm not alone in this scenario - I think many of us experience it as anxiety and stress because let's face it...adulting and LIFE admin are nearly impossible to escape from. There are so many demands placed on us as women and as mothers, that we are constantly being pulled in so many different directions.

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