Women’s Wellness:Yoga for Menopause
Thanks to hormones and hot flushes, yoga for menopause is all about staying cool, calm, and connected. Keeping our nervous system balanced and using the practices of yoga to maintain strength without overheating the body. So it’s best to stay away from practices such as hot yoga or Bikram and instead lean into slow flow or hatha yoga classes which help to build muscle mass and increase bone density. However, even in menopause, yoga is not a one size fits all! Restorative or yin yoga is ideal for women experiencing anxiety, mood swings or fatigue.

Embrace the Chaos
Here's the truth...and the WHOLE truth! My life is constantly in chaos. It's one big juggling act - holding many balls all at once and trying to catch each and every one of them before they fall to the ground. I know I'm not alone in this scenario - I think many of us experience it as anxiety and stress because let's face it...adulting and LIFE admin are nearly impossible to escape from. There are so many demands placed on us as women and as mothers, that we are constantly being pulled in so many different directions.