{Beginners Mind}
We all have behaviours and habits grounded in assumptions and past experiences. We label things as bad, good, easy or challenging.
Life as we know it is in a constant state of change, so how would things be different if you chose to experience each situation as though it were happening for the first time?
In the mind of a beginner, experiences are brand new, not yet formed and this can help us to be present with what is happening NOW in the present moment.
Whether or not you are a beginner is irrelevant, we can choose to see things as they are and leave space for inquiry, NEW experiences, and for growth. 💫

Is one yoga class enough? Yoga is a lifelong practice - are you ready to commit?
Consistent practice over time with commitment is a daunting concept, in today’s world we value flexibility as the ultimate freedom. TAPAS is the practice of discipline, outlined in the Yoga Sutras is one of the five Niyamas designed to build character and help us commit to our practice with a ‘burning’ enthusiasm.