The Dance of Shiva
Our PEAK posture this month is NATARAJASANA, more often known as Dancer’s Pose. This classical asana is both a backbend as well as a standing balance that requires focus, persistence and most of all - patience! Nataraja is a reincarnation of the Yogi God Shiva, as Nataraja, he dances as the God of Destruction; born out of liberation that comes from fear of change, he teaches us to ride the waves of change toward our own bliss.
Lean into the Light: Rhythm + Ritual Through Yoga
Emerging from the restful depths of winter, it can often be challenging to attune our mind and body to the vibrancy of the spring season, much like a hibernating bear waking up from months of deep, dark slumber, it takes a little effort to shed the layers of winter. Just as the seasons change and transform, so do does our yoga practice. We can shake off the more yin and restorative nature of winter to embrace the dynamic yang energy of moving towards spring with yoga practice tailored towards the nature’s rhythm.