Peak Pose: Bird of Paradise
The Bird of Paradise stands strong on one lovely, long and powerful stalk, this single stalk represents the strength needed in your stationary leg and core to open up into the pose. The flower itself is a striking contrast of colour and that mimics the crests of tropical birds peeking through the leaves.
In our journey toward Bird of Paradise, we’ll flow through a Mandala Salutation to open the side body, shoulders, hamstrings and hips with binds, twists and forward folds. Usually considered to be an advanced asana, there are many ways in which to bloom for this asana; one variation we’ll explore in class this month uses the wall and a yoga belt, thus taking care of the balance and or bind element so we can focus on the boldness required of the upper body and the bind to find full bloom!

The Dance of Shiva
Our PEAK posture this month is NATARAJASANA, more often known as Dancer’s Pose. This classical asana is both a backbend as well as a standing balance that requires focus, persistence and most of all - patience! Nataraja is a reincarnation of the Yogi God Shiva, as Nataraja, he dances as the God of Destruction; born out of liberation that comes from fear of change, he teaches us to ride the waves of change toward our own bliss.
Why we love Hanuman
It’s entirely possible you’ve practised Hanuman’s pose numerous times, but perhaps have no idea about who is he or what this pose HANUMANASANA is. Hanuman is the great monkey God; the archetype of devotion, strength, and courage.